Cold Weather... If one dresses properly, it is possible to play (and enjoy) tennis in colder temperatures. First, start with your feet. Wear two pairs of socks. If your feet are cold you are not going to be comfortable no matter what else you do!
Wearing layers is one of the most important things you can do! I try to wear two or three thin layers that I can take off as I warm up. Thin layers are better because the more 'bulk' you wear restricts your range of motion. Try to wear at least one thin long-sleeve shirt.
Gloves... I never wear gloves because even a thin glove restricts the feel and makes a grip change awkward. If my hands are too cold I have often taken an old sock and cut a small racquet handle sized hole in the end of it so my entire hand is covered but I still have skin contacting the handle of the racquet.
-Be sure to NOT use one of your wife's 'good socks'. (that's the voice of experience speaking...!)
Hats... You must wear a hat. Statistics show that lots of body heat is lost through the top of the head. A ski hat that can be pulled down over the ears is a good choice, but any hat is better than none. If it's windy then I'll also put cotton in my ears.
So, after you put on all this extra special clothing you might look a little funny, but that's way better than trying to endure a lesson or match situation while your extremities are freezing off...!
Now, these same tips apply to tennis parents, but you folks can also take additional precautions. If you are going to sit outside during your child's lesson or match, You can bring a blanket. But why not layer your blankets and be sure to bring an electric blanket and extension cord... If there is a handy power source near by then you can be warm, toasty, and the envy of others who were not as thoughtful and resourceful as you...!
It was a happy day for him when he gave us our new lives, through the truth of his Word, and we became, as it were, the first children in his new family. JAMES 1:18 LB
Nice blog! I find it very informative for playing tennis during the winter. By the way, I found a blog similar to yours. It shows proper precautions to transition from indoor to outdoor play to prevent tennis injuries.
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