Anybody catch the 2008 US Open quarter final match between Novak Djokavic and Andy Roddick...?
Djokavic ended up winning in five sets, but there was a little bit of controversy before and after the match. Apparently Roddick had made some comments about Djokavic's physical condition prior to the match, and Djokavic did not take too kindly to it.
At the conclusion of the competition, during the post match on court interview Djokavic was anything but humble or complimentary toward Roddick. In fact, his comments drew many boos from the New York crowd. Even the network tennis analyst John McEnroe assessed Djokavic's comments as giving off a 'weird, strange vibe...'. Now, as far as I'm concerned, if you can 'weird out' McEnroe then you've really accomplished something.
My question is this:
What ever happened to winning and losing with grace, class, and style...?
Look, here's how it's supposed to go down, people:
The moment that you step onto the field of competition in any sport then you give up the right to make excuses. You should play hard and give your best effort. If you happen to win, don't make a big deal out of it. If you go down in defeat then just give the credit to your opponent. That's being gracious.
Don't gloat in winning and don't sulk in defeat.

You know, neither of my mom or dad had an extensive tennis background, but they both taught me good life lessons that pertain to today's topic.
1. My mom always told me if I didn't have anything good to say about somebody or something then don't say anything.
2. My daddy always told me to keep my mouth shut and let my racquet do the talking.
Sound advice, wouldn't you say...?
In my humble opinion I'd like to suggest that neither Djokavic nor Roddick have learned those lessons yet.
To be continued...