This photo of American Tennis Super Star Andy Roddick is a perfect example of some key elements I emphasize regarding proper volley 'form'.
First of all, Notice Andy's eyes and head position. He is clearly focused on the ball here. You should always try to watch the ball right up to impact with your racquet so you will have good balance. Next notice that his racquet head is slightly above his wrist in a firm locked position. Can you see that the bottom edge of his racquet is slightly forward, not flat behind the ball...? This will help him to produce underspin on his shot. Lastly, notice the position of his non racquet hand. His hands are working together to keep his upper body sideways and eliminate a swinging, out of control shot. His spacing to the ball is good, too. He's not too crowded or too far in front.
Unfortunately, we can't see the footwork here but we all know that a good crossover step helps us to move our weight into the ball and also gives us the necessary power so we won't need to swing so big.
Andy is one of my favorite players. He had a tough match with Federer at the Open this year but I still think his best tennis is in front of him...!