Wesley Stonestreet Delivers a Knockout Forehand
During the course of a tennis match distractions often abound. There is usually the pressure of having people you care about watch you play. There are usually other matches going on around you. Not to mention that your opponent is probably trying to do their best to keep you from winning. And let's face it, some days a person's attention span is just longer, stronger, and better than other days.
As a coach, I emphasize 'how to compete well' over winning. I believe that winning will take care of itself if other key elements are in place. One of the keys to competing well is maintaining focus and concentration. Focus is a person's awareness of what is going on around them and what they are going to do about what is going on. Clear Focus involves having a game plan. Since many players do not start out with a game plan then they have more difficulty focusing and adjusting.
Concentration is a person's mental ability to cope with the given situation. Emotional well being plays a big factor in one's ability to maintain focus and concentration, as well. When a player is focusing and concentrating they present a powerful image.
My best advice to maintaining focus and concentration is to constantly review the match in your mind. Take more time in between points and games going through a checklist of what is working and not working. Try not to look around too much. If your eyes wander then your mind will wander, too. If things aren't going well slow it down. Taking your time will avoid allowing your opponent to build up too much momentum. Keep the self talk positive. And lastly, don't be afraid to change up a losing game plan.
Maintaining focus and concentration is easier said than done. Everyone on the planet can stand to work on it except maybe Roger Federer. I hope these tips help your game.
Until next time I'm wishing you Happy Tennis...!
See you on the courts. -Coach Sam
The photo above was taken during the doubles final of the HPTA Junior Gran Prix Doubles Tournament at Lee LeClear Tennis Center. The player in the photo is Wesley Stonestreet of Columbia Lakes Country Club. Wesley is currently the point leader in the boys 16 and under division of the HPTA Gran Prix Circuit.
Coach Sam is the Director of Tennis at Columbia Lakes Country Club and Resort Hotel in West Columbia, Texas. He is also the Executive Director of the Houston Professional Tennis Association. He is a USPTA certified professional and has been playing and coaching tennis for over 20 years.
For more information about Coach Sam go to his website: http://chadwelltennis.com